I am the teen and new adult services coordinator for all of Fresno County Public Library – meaning I come up with fun and exciting programs and teen services for all of Fresno County! When I am not thinking of the greatest puns ever, I like to spend my time arguing about comic books, tracking the movements of the best shark around (Deep Blue, a 20 foot beaut!), and yelling out dog every time I see a dog (just to make sure the dog knows that they are a dog – and to let everyone else know that there is a dog present). I like a lot of nerd stuff, and that definitely shows in my programming ideas! If you see me out and about, say hi – give me a great book recommendation – tell me the best joke you’ve ever heard! My favorite (so far) – what is a pirate’s favorite letter? You may think it is “R”, but a pirate’s first love is the C.